Monday, April 19, 2010

Conclusion of the Dissmissed TEmporary Workers in Japan

The first critique of the first point is law does not have specific regulations of 30 days period. This means the law does not say that the 30 days period is whether 30 days of work or 30 days of contracts which include day offs and actually working day would be less than 30 days. The second critique is there are no regulations of types of jobs. There must be some regulations for the job selections because some types of job have dangerous working conditions such as skyscraper constructions, constructions, demolitions, and some facilities that use chemicals. This means there can be higher rate of accident. However, the law does not protect and provide them workers’ accident compensation insurances.

Another critique for the second point which is about releasing the information of contract service fees appeared to be very ambiguous. The government’s purpose of revising this part of law is because the government tries to protect workers from getting salary deducted by unknown reasons. However, it does not regulate the rate of fee (%) so that many temporary work intercessor companies can have free competitions. Although it boosts the free competitions, it does not improve the fundamental treatments for workers because if intercessor companies apply high rate of fee, they can be benefited from, but workers have still hard time making their own lives.

The deregulation of temporary worker approved easily disposal employments, and the numbers of proper full-time employments have decreased. In order to gain the seat of full-time employment, people have to win the seat of cruel musical chairs game that have overwhelmingly few seats available compared to enormous participants. However, if they lose the game, it is the matter of life; whether they die or alive. In order to improve this situation, there have been many skill training programs were born, but the numbers of chairs available do not change. The deregulation allowed employers to hire people without available chairs. Employers do not want to let this opportunity go away because temporary workers are so handy and disposal. Therefore, law needs to regulated and balance the numbers of available chairs. The most important and urgent issue is to create the proper employments that eventually eliminate wealth gap and poverty.

The camp was closed after the government opened the space for those dismissed workers and took over the volunteered camp, but the executives officially close the end of June 2009. There were thousands of people were helped, five hundred people came for the consolation, and only three hundred people received social welfare (Ogawa 56). Throughout the durations of camp and consolations, it clearly disclosed the reality of poverty, and it is very hard to get out from the hardships once people fall into the worst situations. It is also true that these people are victims of winded social separatism structures, and it does not mean that those people have been lazy or not working hard enough.

The total of their donations came to 50 million Yen (approximately 570.3thausand U.S. Dollars) (Toukairin 95). This means society thought people need help. However, the Japanese government has been targeted for the blame because of slow work and thoughtless speeches such as people who were dismissed seem like lazy and not willing to work. It is the time for people to re-examine real individuality and social solidarity. In order to improve the fundamentals for all the populations, people need to reinforce social solidarity and focus on less individuality. Japan also need ask question about the companies’ social responsibility as well as governmental reconstructions of laws for those suffered from the incidents. Revised Laws of Temporary Work will eventually protect those who still staying the same situations, but further revisions are required for better improvements in order to create a stable and peaceful society. Those workers during the incidents were victims of winded social structure and economic system. This incident clearly depicted that the first people who will be victims and suffering is people who are categorized as low social status.


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